Chapter Events


"Looking Forward to a Livelier Landscape: Indigenous plant-based landscapes. The best is yet to come…"

This event has ended
Tuesday, February 20th, 2024
to (Central Time)

Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation

Presenter: Alan Branhagen, Executive Director, Natural Land Institute in Illinois  
We are members of Wild Ones because we need Nature close by to enrich our lives. This program provides some additional ideas about how we can capture the spirit of our place and bring more nature into our landscapes. Insects run the world after plants. Learn about some keystone plants to nurture more insects and create a more sustainable landscape. Know maintenance that embraces Nature to create a flourishing ecosystem: what does it take to have a diversity of bees, butterflies and moths at one’s home? Lastly, have faith in a seed, understand that plants migrate and know if you plant it they (nature!) will come. Let’s have fun and bloom where we’re planted!

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